If you have INTENTIONALLY come to this page...get ready for some awesome deals. But don't expect a fancy webpage or some other animation. We just build e-bikes with the cheapest materials. Why? Why NOT! You don't have to spend thousands of dollars to get into the fun of riding a bicycle with a little extra power. We specifically picked Neocities to host this page because we want to pass the savings onto you...enjoy!
The first way is to contact our sales department. We spec out the bike, the parts and give you a price. Send an e-mail to ugleebikes@gmail.com. The second way is to watch our youtube channel and then click on the link to a MakeWithAbacus session. We plan on having one of our instructors use a 180 degree camera to show you with your VR Oculus how to put the parts together.
Here are some other things you should think about before contacting us to upgrayedd your awesome ugleebike!
Once you have your used or new mountain bike of choice, select your cheap e-kit and battery. Then reach out to us and we can install your kit for you, or you can reserve a session from MakeWithAbacus